Mendelssohn Edition Volume 3 - Oratorios & Lieder
Mendelssohn Edition Volume 3 - Oratorios & Lieder (14 years)


  • Release day: Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mendelssohn Edition Volume 3 - Oratorios & Lieder 14 years old


Barbara Bonney When album released, She was 53, now 68 years old
Nathalie Stutzmann When album released, She was 44, now 59 years old
Michael Corby When album released, He was 58, now 72 years old
Michel Corboz When album released, He was 75, now 90 years old
Felix Mendelssohn This album released 162 years after his death. He was 38 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Overture by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 05:32
2 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Herr, der du bist der Gott" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 04:02
3 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Allei Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 01:10
4 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Die Menge der Gläubigen" [Soprano, Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 01:56
5 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Dieser Mensch hört nicht auf zu reden" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 03:09
6 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Und sie sahen auf ihn alle ... Er lästert Gott" [Soprano, Stephanus, Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 04:17
7 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Jerusalem, die du tötest die Propheten" [Soprano] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 03:22
8 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Sie aber stürmten auf ihn ein ... Steiniget ihn! Er lästert Gott" [Stephanus, Chorus] - recit tenor & chorus by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 01:45
9 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Und sie steinigten ihn" [Stephanus] "Dir Herr, dir will ich mich ergeben" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 02:21
10 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Und die Zeugen legten ab ihre Kleider" [Soprano] "Siehe, wir preisen selig" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 04:47
11 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Saulus aber zerstörte die Gemeinde" [Stephanus] "Vertilge sie, Herr Zebaoth" [Paulus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 02:25
12 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Und zog mit einer Schar ... Doch der Herr vergißt die Seinen nicht" [Alto] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 03:03
13 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Und als er auf dem Wege war und nahe zu Damaskus kam" [Stephanus, Chorus, Paulus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 02:03
14 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Mache dich auf! Werde Licht" Denn dein Licht kommt [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 06:08
15 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Die Männer aber, die seine Gefährten waren" [Stephanus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 01:25
16 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Gott sei mir gnädig nach deiner Güte" [Paulus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 06:13
17 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Es war aber ein Jünger zu Damaskus mit Namen Ananias" [Stephanus, Soprano] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 01:40
18 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Ich danke dir, Herr mein Gott" [Paulus, Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 04:34
19 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 1 "Und Ananias ging hin" [Soprano, Ananias] "O welch eine Tiefe des Reichtums" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 07:42
20 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Der Erdkreis ist nun des Herrn und seines Christ" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 03:48
21 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Und Paulus kam zu der Gemeinde" [Soprano] "So sind wir nun Botschafter" [Barnabas, Paulus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 02:33
22 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Wie lieblich sind die Boten" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 02:30
23 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Und wie sie ausgesandt ... Lasst uns singen von der Gnade des Herrn" [Soprano] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 02:26
24 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Da aber die Juden das Volk sahn" [Stephanus, Chorus] "Ist das nicht, der zu Jerusalem verstörte alle" [Chorus] "O Jesu Christie, wahres Licht" [Soprano, Alto, Paulus, Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 07:00
25 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Paulus aber und Barnabas sprachen frei" [Stephanus, Paulus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 03:17
26 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Und es war ein Mann zu Lystra" [Soprano] "Die Götter sind den Menschen gleich geworden" [Chorus] "Und nannten Barnabas Jupiter, und Paulus Mercurius [Soprano] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 03:10
27 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Seid uns gnädig, hohe Götter!" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 02:33
28 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Da das die Apostel hörten" [Stephanus, Paulus] "Wisset ihr nicht, daß ihr Gottes Tempel seid" [Paulus] "Aber unser Gott ist im Himmel" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 07:05
29 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Da ward das Volk erreget wider sie" [Soprano] "Hier ist des Herren Tempel! [Chorus] "Und sie alle verfolgten Paulus auf seinem Wege" [Soprano] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 02:40
30 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Sei getreu bis in den Tod" [Tenor] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 03:01
31 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Paulus sandte hin und ließ forden die Ältesten der Gemeinde zu Ephesus" [Soprano, Paulus] "Schone doch deiner selbst!" [Soprano, Alto, Stephanus, Paulus, Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 05:15
32 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 02:57
33 Mendelssohn : Paulus Op.36 [St Paul] : Act 2 "Und wenn er gleich geopfert wird" [Soprano] "Nicht aber ihm allein" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 05:00
34 Mendelssohn : Des Mädchens Klage WoO by Felix MendelssohnNathalie Stutzmann Duration: 02:15
35 Mendelssohn : 6 Songs Op.34 : VI Reiselied by Felix MendelssohnNathalie Stutzmann Duration: 02:59
36 Mendelssohn : Der Blumenkranz WoO by Felix MendelssohnNathalie Stutzmann Duration: 01:56
37 Mendelssohn : 12 Lieder Op.9 : VI Scheidend by Felix MendelssohnNathalie Stutzmann Duration: 02:57
38 Mendelssohn : 6 Songs Op.19a : VI Reiselied by Felix MendelssohnNathalie Stutzmann Duration: 02:52
39 Mendelssohn : 3 Lieder Op.84 : II Herbstlied by Felix MendelssohnNathalie Stutzmann Duration: 04:25
40 Mendelssohn : Venetianisches Gondellied Op.57 No.5 by Felix MendelssohnNathalie Stutzmann Duration: 02:18
41 Mendelssohn : Schlafloser Augen Leuchte WoO by Felix MendelssohnNathalie Stutzmann Duration: 02:40
42 Mendelssohn : 6 Songs Op.99 : II Die Sterne schau'n in stiller Nacht by Felix MendelssohnNathalie Stutzmann Duration: 02:34
43 Mendelssohn : Elias Op.70 [Elijah] : Introduction "So wahr der Herr, der Gott Israels, lebet" [Elias] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 01:17
44 Mendelssohn : Elias Op.70 [Elijah] : Overture by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 03:28
45 Mendelssohn : Elias Op.70 [Elijah] : Act 1 "Hilf, Herr! ... Die Tiefe ist versieget!" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 03:52
46 Mendelssohn : Elias Op.70 [Elijah] : Act 1 "Herr, höre unser Gebet!" [Chorus, Widow, Queen] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 02:03
47 Mendelssohn : Elias Op.70 [Elijah] : Act 1 "Zerreißet eure Herzen" [Obadjah] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 00:45
48 Mendelssohn : Elias Op.70 [Elijah] : Act 1 "So ihr mich von ganzem Herzen suchet" [Obadjah] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 02:35
49 Mendelssohn : Elias Op.70 [Elijah] : Act 1 "Aber der Herr sieht est nicht" [Chorus] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 04:17
50 Mendelssohn : Elias Op.70 [Elijah] : Act 1 "Elias ! Gehe weg von hinnen und wende dich gen Morgen" [Angel] by Felix MendelssohnMichel CorbozOrchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonChorus of the Gulbenkian Foundation, LisbonGulbenkian Orchestra of Lisbon Duration: 00:53