Handel: Orlando
Handel: Orlando (33 years)


  • Release day: Tuesday, January 01, 1991

Handel: Orlando 33 years old


Emma Kirkby When album released, She was 41, now 75 years old
Arleen Auger This album released 2 years after arleen Auger death. Arleen Auger was 53 years old when arleen Auger died.
George Frideric Handel This album released 231 years after his death. He was 74 years old when he died.
David Thomas When album released, He was 37, now 71 years old
# Song Play
1 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Ouvertura by George Frideric Handel, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 04:40
2 Orlando - Act 1: Gieroglifici eterni by George Frideric Handel, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 02:35
3 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Stimulato dalla gloria by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:50
4 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Purgalo ormai da effeminati sensi by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 00:40
5 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Sinfonia by George Frideric Handel, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 00:23
6 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Mira, e prendi l'esempio...Lascia Amor by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 04:23
7 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Imagini funeste by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:16
8 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Non fu già men fotre Alcide by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 05:24
9 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Quanto diletto avea...Io non so by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:50
10 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Itene pur tremendo by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 00:38
11 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Ho uncerto rossore by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 03:16
12 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: M'hai vinto al fin by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 00:44
13 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Ritornava al suo bel viso by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:43
14 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Spera, mio ben...Chi possessore by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 03:47
15 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Ecco Dorinda by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:13
16 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Se il cor mai ti dirà by George Frideric Handel, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 04:18
17 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Povera me!...O care parolette by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 03:23
18 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Noti a me sono by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, James Bowman, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 02:02
19 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Se fedel vuoi, ch'io ti creda by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 04:02
20 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: T'ubbidirò...Fammi combattere by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 03:40
21 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Angelica, deh lascia by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 00:47
22 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: O Angelica, o Medoro by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, Arleen Auger, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:13
23 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Consolati o bella by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Emma Kirkby, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 05:53
1 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Quando spieghi i tuoi tormenti by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 03:12
2 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Perchè, gentil Dorinda by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:37
3 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Se mi rivolgo al prato by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 05:03
4 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: E'questa la mercede...Cielo! Se tu il consenti by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 04:35
5 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: A qual rischio vi espone by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Catherine Robbin, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 00:34
6 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Tra caligini profonde by George Frideric Handel, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 04:22
7 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Da queste amiche piante by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 00:55
8 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Verdi allori by George Frideric Handel, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 06:35
9 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Dopo tanti perigli...Non potrà dirmi ingrata by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 03:53
10 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Dove, dove guidate...verdi piante by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 08:39
11 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Ah perfida, qui sei! by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, James Bowman, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 00:52
12 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Ah Stigie larve! by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 02:21
13 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Già latra Cerbero by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:46
14 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Vaghe pupille, non piangete, no by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 04:13
1 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Sinfonia I by George Frideric Handel, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:03
2 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Di Dorinda alle mura by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:06
3 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Vorrei poterti amar by George Frideric Handel, Catherine Robbin, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 03:28
4 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Più obbligata gli sono by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:32
5 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Unisca amor in noi by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 02:18
6 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Già lo stringo by George Frideric Handel, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 02:18
7 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Di Dorinda all'albergo by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 00:46
8 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Così giusta è questa speme by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 06:03
9 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: S'è corrisposto un core...Amor è qual vento by George Frideric Handel, Emma Kirkby, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 05:17
10 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Impari ognun da Orlando...O voi del mio poter ministri by George Frideric Handel, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:25
11 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Sorge infausta una procella by George Frideric Handel, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 04:18
12 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Dorinda, e perchè piangi? by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Emma Kirkby, James Bowman, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 01:19
13 Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 3: Finché prendi ancora by George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood Duration: 02:44