Classic Fairy Tales - Read & Sung by Peter Combe Volume 1
Classic Fairy Tales - Read & Sung by Peter Combe Volume 1 (8 years)


  • Release day: Friday, June 24, 2016

Classic Fairy Tales - Read & Sung by Peter Combe Volume 1 8 years old


Peter Combe When album released, He was 61, now 69 years old
# Song Play
1 Little Red Riding Hood - Story by Peter Combe Duration: 10:13
2 Little Red Riding Hood - Song by Peter Combe Duration: 04:35
3 Jack & the Beanstalk - Story by Peter Combe Duration: 15:21
4 Jack & the Beanstalk - Song by Peter Combe Duration: 03:28
5 Goldilocks and the Porridge - Song by Peter Combe Duration: 01:50
6 Goldilocks and the Porridge - Story by Peter Combe Duration: 10:30
7 Goldilocks and the Porridge - Song by Peter Combe Duration: 02:30
8 The Three Little Pigs - Story by Peter Combe Duration: 10:45
9 The Three Little Pigs - Song by Peter Combe Duration: 02:49