Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Nos 8 & 23 - Schumann: Kinderszenen
Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Nos 8 & 23 - Schumann: Kinderszenen (13 years)


  • Release day: Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Nos 8 & 23 - Schumann: Kinderszenen 13 years old


Aimi Kobayashi When album released, She was 15, now 28 years old
# Song Play
1 I. Grave - Allegro di molto e con brio by Ludwig van BeethovenAimi Kobayashi Duration: 07:12
2 II. Adagio cantabile by Ludwig van BeethovenAimi Kobayashi Duration: 05:24
3 III. Rondo (Allegro) by Ludwig van BeethovenAimi Kobayashi Duration: 04:41
4 I. Allegro assai - Più allegro by Ludwig van BeethovenAimi Kobayashi Duration: 10:03
5 II. Andante con moto - by Ludwig van BeethovenAimi Kobayashi Duration: 07:04
6 III. Allegro, ma non troppo - Presto by Ludwig van BeethovenAimi Kobayashi Duration: 05:28
7 1. Von fremden Ländern und Menschen (Of Foreign Lands and People) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 01:51
8 2. Kuriose Geschichte (Strange Story) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 01:05
9 3. Hasche-Mann (Blindman's Buff) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 00:27
10 4. Bittendes Kind (Entreating Child) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 01:03
11 5. Glückes genug (Contentment) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 00:34
12 6. Wichtige Begebenheit (Great Event) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 00:51
13 7. Träumerei (Dreaming) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 03:08
14 8. Am Kamin (By the Fireside) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 00:59
15 9. Ritter vom Steckenpferd (Ride a Cock Horse) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 00:40
16 10. Fast zu ernst (Almost Too Serious) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 01:58
17 11. Fürchtenmachen (Frightening) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 01:53
18 12. Kind im Einschlummern (Child Falling Asleep) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 02:09
19 13. Der Dichter spricht (The Poet Speaks) by Robert SchumannAimi Kobayashi Duration: 02:18