The Spies 58 years old

The Spies is a British television series produced by the BBC in 1966. A spin-off or rebranding of the previous 1965 series The Mask of Janus, The Spies was a more conventional espionage thriller series than its predecessor, being more explicitly concerned with the actual operations of British secret service agents stationed in the fictional European country Amalia. The series can be viewed as being a BBC attempt to match the popularity of the ITV action show Danger Man. Most of this show was wiped by the BBC; only one episode is known to exist according to



Name Character
Simon Oates He was 33 , 77 years old when he died
Peter Arne He was 45 , 62 years old when he died
Dinsdale Landen He was 33 , 71 years old when he died
Hamilton Dyce He was 53 , 59 years old when he died


Name Job title
The Spies (58 years)


  • First Air Date: 1966-01-01
  • Runtime: [50] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 15