The Legend of Prince Valiant 32 years old

The Legend of Prince Valiant

The Legend of Prince Valiant is an American animated television series based on the Prince Valiant comic strip created by Hal Foster. Set in the time of King Arthur, it's a family-oriented adventure show about an exiled prince who goes on a quest to become one of the Knights of the Round Table. He begins his quest after having a dream about Camelot and its idealistic New Order. This television series originally aired on The Family Channel from 1991 to 1994 for a total run of 65 episodes.



Name Character
Mark Hamill He was 39 , now 72 years old
Brad Garrett He was 31 , now 64 years old
Ron Perlman He was 41 , now 74 years old
Alan Oppenheimer He was 61 , now 94 years old
Jim Cummings He was 38 , now 71 years old
Gregg Berger He was 40 , now 73 years old
Tim Curry He was 45 , now 78 years old as Gawain
John Rhys-Davies He was 47 , now 80 years old
Jess Harnell He was 27 , now 60 years old
Robby Benson He was 35 , now 68 years old as Prince Valiant
Roger Rees He was 47 , 71 years old when he died
Richard Steven Horvitz He was 25 , now 57 years old
Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. He was 72 , 95 years old when he died
Mona Marshall She was 44 , now 76 years old
S. Scott Bullock He was 35 , now 68 years old
Samantha Eggar She was 52 , now 85 years old
Susan Blu She was 43 , now 76 years old
John Glover He was 47 , now 79 years old
Paul Williams He was 50 , now 83 years old
James Avery He was 45 , 68 years old when he died
Kevin McCarthy He was 77 , 96 years old when he died
Noelle North She was 42 , now 75 years old
Dana Hill She was 27 , 32 years old when she died
Neil Ross He was 46 , now 79 years old
Thom Bray He was 37 , now 70 years old
Rob Paulsen He was 35 , now 68 years old
Sean O'Bryan He was 27 , now 60 years old
Stephen Caffrey He was 15 , now 48 years old


Name Job title
The Legend of Prince Valiant poster
The Legend of Prince Valiant (32 years)


  • First Air Date: 1991-09-03
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 65