Samurai Girl 15 years old

Samurai Girl

Samurai Girl is a six-hour mini-series loosely based on the popular young-adult novel series by Carrie Asai. The event stars Jamie Chung, Brendan Fehr, and Stacy Keibler. The series began its three-day premiere on ABC Family on September 5, 2008.



Name Character
Jamie Chung She was 25 , now 41 years old as Heaven Kogo
Kenneth Choi He was 36 , now 52 years old
Brendan Fehr He was 30 , now 46 years old as Jake Stanton
Linda Ko
Darryl Quon
Stacy Keibler She was 28 , now 44 years old as Karen
Byron Lawson He was 40 , now 55 years old
Anthony Brandon Wong He was 43 , now 59 years old
Kyle Labine He was 25 , now 41 years old


Name Job title
Samurai Girl poster
Samurai Girl (15 years)


  • First Air Date: 2008-09-05
  • Runtime: [40] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 6