Blue Water Empire 5 years old

Blue Water Empire

A dramatised-documentary series giving a unique insight into the compelling history of the Torres Strait Islands, told through key stories by the men and women of the region.



Name Character
Jimi Bani He was 118 , now 123 years old as Kebisu Baira / Dupa Baira / Wilfred Baira
Aaron Fa'aoso He was 43 , now 48 years old as John Joseph / Gerry Stephens / Tanu Nona


Name Job title
Aaron Fa'aoso Production He was 43 , now 48 years old Producer
Aaron Fa'aoso Writing He was 43 , now 48 years old Writer
Jimi Bani Production He was 118 , now 123 years old Associate Producer
Blue Water Empire poster
Blue Water Empire (5 years)


  • First Air Date: 2019-06-25
  • Runtime: [] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 3