Young Yakuza 16 years old

Meet the Japanese Mafia's latest son: a 20 year old named Naoki, part of a surging, decade-long wave of juvenile delinquency in Japan. As Naoki rejects school, jobs and family, his desperate mother decides to take one last chance to save him--by handing him over to the Mafia for one year and letting him choose his own path.


Young Yakuza Cast

Name Character
Hideyuki Ishii as Himself
Chiyozo Ishii as Himself

Young Yakuza Crew

Name Department
Julien Hirsch as Director of Photography. He was 43 (now 59) years old Camera
Hengameh Panahi as Producer. Production
Christian Baute as Producer. Production
Tina Baz as Editor. Editing
Jean-Pierre Limosin as Director. He was 58 (now 75) years old Directing
Young Yakuza poster
Young Yakuza (16 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, October 30, 2007
  • Runtime: 90 minutes