White Horse 16 years old

White Horse is a short documentary by filmmakers Maryann DeLeo and Christophe Bisson that features a man (Maxym Surkov) returning to his Ukraine home for the first time in twenty years. Evacuated from the city of Pripyat, Ukraine in 1986 due to the Chernobyl disaster, he has not returned since then.


White Horse Cast

Name Character
Maxym Surkov as Himself

White Horse Crew

Name Department
Maryann DeLeo as Director. She was 8 (now 24) years old Directing
Maryann DeLeo as Writer. She was 8 (now 24) years old Writing
Christophe Bisson as Director. He was 107 (now 123) years old Directing
Christophe Bisson as Writer. He was 107 (now 123) years old Writing
White Horse poster
White Horse (16 years)

  • Release day: Friday, February 08, 2008
  • Runtime: 18 minutes