We Just Want to Play 11 years old

The Ruckland University Men's Rugby team is comprised of an "Animal House" quality group of hooligans. Their recent success on the field has been overshadowed by the school's Athletic Director who plans on using the team's funds for his own endeavors. It is up to the boys to band together as a team to stop him from dissolving their program and ruining their chance at winning a league championship.From hardships, sprouts heroes. This lovable group of underdogs must look beyond the fun and games they have had in college and realize that they have found something much more than a rugby team, they found a family.


We Just Want to Play Cast

Name Character
Timothy J. Cox He was 36, now 47 years old as Richard Dickerman

We Just Want to Play Crew

Name Department
We Just Want to Play (11 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, May 04, 2013
  • Runtime: 17 minutes