UK B-boy Championships Japan Elimination 2006 17 years old

The "great 8" solo popping and 2-on-2 locking battles as well as the "great 16" breaking battle from the UK B-Boy Championship Japan Elimination 2006 plus additional footage.


UK B-boy Championships Japan Elimination 2006 Cast

Name Character
TAC as Himself (G8 popping contestant)
KEi as Himself (G8 popping contestant)
KITE as Himself (G8 popping contestant)
NOBOU as Himself (G8 popping contestant)
MADOKA as Himself (G8 popping contestant)
CGEO as Himself (G8 popping contestant)
GUCCHON He was 26, now 44 years old as Himself (G8 popping contestant)
SEAN as Himself (G8 popping contestant)

UK B-boy Championships Japan Elimination 2006 Crew

Name Department
UK B-boy Championships Japan Elimination 2006 (17 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, October 18, 2006
  • Runtime: 257 minutes