War Italian Style (Due marines e un generale) 58 years old

War Italian Style

It's May 1943, and two Italian American soldiers, Joe and Frank, are searching the North African desert for a Nazi general called Von Kassler. Von Kassler's aide captures them, and arranges for them to escape with fake war plans. But, things don't go exactly as planned for either side.


War Italian Style Cast

Name Character
Buster Keaton He was 71, 70 years old when he died as Gen. von Kassler
Luciano Pigozzi He was 40, 81 years old when he died as German High-Ranking Officer
Fred Clark He was 52, 54 years old when he died as Gen. Zacharias
Alessandro Sperli
Martha Hyer She was 42, 89 years old when she died as Lt. Inge Schultze
Geoffrey Copleston He was 45, 77 years old when he died as American High-Ranking Officer
Ennio Antonelli He was 30, 67 years old when he died as von Kassler's Driver
Franco Franchi He was 38, 64 years old when he died as Frank Scordia
Lino Banfi He was 30, now 88 years old as Cigar Smoking German Soldier
Alfredo Adami He was 50, 74 years old when he died as German High-Ranking Officer
Ignazio Dolce He was 33, now 91 years old
Ciccio Ingrassia He was 44, 80 years old when he died as Joe Acampora
Consalvo Dell'Arti He was 52, 91 years old when he died
Franco Ressel He was 41, 60 years old when he died as Col. Jaeger
Barbara Loy as Inger
Angelo Maria Santiamantini
Renato Chiantoni He was 60, 73 years old when he died as Uncle Luigi
Gianni Manera He was 26, 73 years old when he died as German High-Ranking Officer
Alessandro Tedeschi as officer committing suicide

War Italian Style Crew

Name Department
Giancarlo Ferrando as Camera Operator. He was 27 (now 84) years old Camera
Romana Fortini as Assistant Editor. Editing
Renato Cinquini as Editor. He was 32 (8) years old when He died Editing
Bruno Moreal as Sound. Sound
Federico Zanni as Camera Operator. He was 42 (now 100) years old Camera
Antonio Girasante as Production Manager. Production
Fausto Zuccoli as Cinematography. Crew
Giuseppe Moccia as Writer. He was 33 (73) years old when He died Writing
Louis M. Heyward as Executive Producer. He was 46 (81) years old when He died Production
Piero Umiliani as Music. He was 40 (74) years old when He died Sound
Luigi Scattini as Director. He was 39 (83) years old when He died Directing
Vittorio Vighi as Dialogue. He was 39 (80) years old when He died Writing
Ugo Pericoli as Costume Design. He was 43 (75) years old when He died Costume & Make-Up
Gastone Carsetti as Production Design. Art
Guglielmo Vincioni as Camera Operator. Camera
War Italian Style poster
War Italian Style (58 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, April 20, 1966
  • Runtime: 84 minutes