Turbulence 12 years old

When a failing music venue staffed by fools looks set to close, manager Keith launches a last ditch Battle of the Bands competition. More by accident than by design, musical genius is unleashed by a rapping transvestite, some precocious indie rockers and a barmaid with a golden voice, who together try to save the world they love.


Turbulence Cast

Name Character
Emma Pearce as Dillan Maddison
Sophie Waller as Rosie Beaumont
Adrian Banks He was 25, now 38 years old as Adrian Banks
David Alwyn as Christian Waits
Shay O'Driscoll as Keith Hickey

Turbulence Crew

Name Department
Michael B. Clifford as Director. Directing
Stavros Pamballis as Writer. Writing
Turbulence (12 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, December 01, 2011
  • Runtime: 90 minutes