Tripod: Pod August Night 18 years old

Tripod: Pod August Night (commonly abbreviated PAN) is a DVD recording of the last performance of 'The Triumphant Return Of Pod August Nights' by the Australian comedy act Tripod. The performance occurred at the Northcote Social Club in Northcote, Victoria, on 25 August 2005. The DVD includes extras such as additional footage from the show under 'Melbourne Supplement', a documentary of Tripod's beginnings, a short sketch entitled 'A Pickpocket's Tale' and the filmclip of 'Gonna Make You Happy Tonight'.


Tripod: Pod August Night Cast

Name Character
Scott Edgar He was 50, now 68 years old as Scod
Steven Gates as Gatesy
Simon Hall He was 37, now 55 years old as Yon

Tripod: Pod August Night Crew

Name Department
Tripod: Pod August Night (18 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, March 05, 2006
  • Runtime: 69 minutes