Transit Camp (Camp Volant) 92 years old

Set among the traveling circus community. Artists of many talents and origins. A showman causes an accident in which his wife is killed. He accuses the circus clown who spends ten years in prison. It was made as a polyglot film with each actor speaking in their own language.


Transit Camp Cast

Name Character
Ivan Koval-Samborsky He was 38, 68 years old when he died as Marco
Meg Lemonnier She was 27, 83 years old when she died as Gloria
Thomy Bourdelle He was 41, 81 years old when he died as Cesare
Roberto Rey He was 27, 67 years old when he died as Bobby Barnes

Transit Camp Crew

Name Department
Theodore J. Pahle as Cinematography. He was 32 (79) years old when He died Crew
Francis Gromon as Music. Sound
Benno Vigny as Writer. He was 42 (76) years old when He died Writing
Transit Camp poster
Transit Camp (92 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, July 28, 1932
  • Runtime: 84 minutes