Tierisch verliebt 14 years old

After the death of his wife, the veterinarian Sebastian Brunnen and his daughter Kira move from Berlin to a small Moselle town to try a new beginning there. Barely arrived, he is confronted with a dramatic case: Because Sebastian has been diagnosed with the pathogen of a dangerous disease in a broodmare on the equestrian farm of Katherina Mohr, the responsible medical officer will also take precaution to euthanize the healthy horses of the farm. While the two get closer to each other privately, Sebastian realizes almost too late how lonely and unhappy his daughter is.


Tierisch verliebt Cast

Name Character
Philipp Moog He was 48, now 62 years old as Daniel Heim
Rüdiger Vogler He was 67, now 82 years old as Dr. Gebhard
Marie Gruber She was 54, 62 years old when she died as Dr. Ingeborg Kienzel
Valerie Niehaus She was 34, now 49 years old as Katherina Mohr
Andreas Mannkopff He was 70, 76 years old when he died as Fritz Behrendts
Oliver Broumis He was 44, now 59 years old as Lehrer Kohler
Doris Kunstmann She was 64, now 79 years old as Magda Mohr
Julia Schmidt She was 33, now 48 years old as Schneiderin
Gregor Törzs He was 39, now 54 years old as Sebastian Brunnen

Tierisch verliebt Crew

Name Department
Ariane Zeller as Director. Directing
Tierisch verliebt poster
Tierisch verliebt (14 years)

  • Release day: Friday, September 25, 2009
  • Runtime: 90 minutes