The Smashing Pumpkins: Live At Fox Theater (Live on August 4, 1998) 9 years old

Bonus DVD included with the 2014 deluxe edition Adore reissue. Includes footage from the band's August 4, 1998 performance at Fox Theater, Atlanta, GA. Tracklist: To Sheila, Behold! The Night Mare, Pug, Crestfallen, Ava Adore, Tear, Annie-Dog, Perfect, Thru the Eyes of Ruby, Tonight, Tonight, Once Upon a Time, The Tale of Dusty and Pistol Pete, Bullet with Butterfly Wings, Shame, For Martha, Blank Page, Transmission.


The Smashing Pumpkins: Live At Fox Theater (Live on August 4, 1998) Cast

Name Character
Billy Corgan He was 47, now 57 years old as Himself
D'arcy Wretzky She was 46, now 56 years old as Herself
James Iha He was 46, now 56 years old as Himself

The Smashing Pumpkins: Live At Fox Theater (Live on August 4, 1998) Crew

Name Department
The Smashing Pumpkins: Live At Fox Theater (Live on August 4, 1998) poster
The Smashing Pumpkins: Live At Fox Theater (Live on August 4, 1998) (9 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, September 23, 2014