The Saints of Mt. Christopher 13 years old

3 Jouneys 1 Destination

As a capacity crowd holds their breath, sophomore sensation DELROY LINKS falls dead during the biggest game of his career. Simultaneously, Delroy's death effectively ends the career of brand-named college basketball coaching legend, PHIL NEVERS. Rumors allege Nevers chose to withhold reports of Links condition in an effort to secure the conference championship. Two years later, and after a five-year hiatus from competitive athletics, MT. CHRISTOPHER UNIVERSITY reinstates their athletic program. And like most universities looking to jumpstart a newly awakened sports program, they need an influential personality to not only secure a winning team, but to validate the existence of that program.


The Saints of Mt. Christopher Cast

Name Character
Stephanie Barnes as Biker Chick #2
Analiese Anderson as Dr. Spence
Sean Alexander as Gene
Roderick Aust as Vern

The Saints of Mt. Christopher Crew

Name Department
Chris Shields as Writer. Writing
Shane Dean as Director. Directing
The Saints of Mt. Christopher (13 years)

3 Jouneys 1 Destination

  • Release day: Saturday, January 01, 2011
  • Runtime: 88 minutes