The Nurse on a Military Tour (La soldatessa alla visita militare) 46 years old

The Nurse on a Military Tour

Army Doctor Eva Marini wants to join a regiment to secure equal rights for women. So her commanding officer sends her off to a boot camp led by Renzo Montagnani, where only the most unruly soldiers end up.


The Nurse on a Military Tour Cast

Name Character
Edwige Fenech She was 28, now 75 years old as Eva Marini
Renzo Montagnani He was 46, 66 years old when he died as Colonnello Narciso Fiaschetta
Alvaro Vitali He was 27, now 74 years old as Alvaro Quattromani
Nino Terzo He was 54, 81 years old when he died as Caporale al deposito
Jacques Stany He was 47, 86 years old when he died as Musumeci, il poliziotto
Mario Carotenuto He was 62, 79 years old when he died as Colonnello Farina
Renzo Ozzano He was 43, 83 years old when he died as Sergente
Tiberio Murgia He was 48, 81 years old when he died as Generale Patterson
Leo Gullotta He was 31, now 78 years old as Captain Lopez - doctor
Fiorenzo Fiorentini He was 57, 82 years old when he died as Warrant Officer at the depot
Lucio Montanaro He was 26, now 73 years old as Soldato Montanaro
Dino Emanuelli He was 46, 85 years old when he died as un ufficiale
Franco Caracciolo He was 33, 55 years old when he died as Travestito
Cesare Di Vito as soldato
Michele Gammino He was 36, now 83 years old as Gavino Piras
Graziella Polesinanti She was 34, now 81 years old as Graziella, moglie del Commendator Guarducci
Enrico Beruschi He was 35, now 82 years old as il prete
Dante Cleri He was 67, 72 years old when he died as Commendator Guarducci

The Nurse on a Military Tour Crew

Name Department
Giancarlo Ferrando as Director of Photography. He was 37 (now 84) years old Camera
Nando Cicero as Director. He was 46 (64) years old when He died Directing
Nando Cicero as Writer. He was 46 (64) years old when He died Writing
Daniele Alabiso as Editor. He was 22 (now 24) years old Editing
Piero Umiliani as Original Music Composer. He was 51 (74) years old when He died Sound
Francesco Milizia as Writer. He was 57 (63) years old when He died Writing
Giacomo Caló Carducci as Art Direction. Art
The Nurse on a Military Tour poster
The Nurse on a Military Tour (46 years)

  • Release day: Friday, September 02, 1977
  • Runtime: 84 minutes