Slackistan 14 years old

Islamabad, Pakistan. A group of privileged and westernised twenty-something friends while away their days and nights driving around town, partying, surfing the internet and smoking shisha pipes. As the country outside their world starts to crack, Hasan and his friends must face up to their relationships, angst and life choices before it is too late.


Slackistan Cast

Name Character
Ali Rehman Khan He was 22, now 36 years old as Sherry
Osman Khalid Butt He was 24, now 38 years old as Saad
Khalid Saeed as Mani
Adil Omar He was 19, now 33 years old as Himself
Aisha Linnea Akhtar as Aisha
Shahana Khan Khalil as Zara
Rafey Alam as Zeeshan
Shahbaz Hamid Shigri as Hasan

Slackistan Crew

Name Department
Hammad Khan as Director. Directing
Slackistan (14 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, May 22, 2010