Scummy Man 18 years old

Nina is easy to find. She is on the industrial estate, near the gas tower, She is fifteen, addicted to drugs and on the game. George is one of her nastier punters. His arrival turns the temperature up on her already combusting life. He is the scummiest of scummy men, someone you really don't want to be involved with, at all. A magician and a taxi driver offer Nina a quick fix but doesn't everyone want something in return? She won't take it lying down. Scummy man is a gripping glimpse into the lost and misplaced lives on todays back streets. The film is brutally honest, intense and not afraid.


Scummy Man Cast

Name Character
Stephen Graham He was 32, now 50 years old as George
Russel Shaw as Cowboy
Lauren Socha She was 15, now 34 years old as Nina
Colin Batchford as Punter
David McClelland He was 49, now 67 years old as Jock
Christine Stimpson as Hotel Receptionist
Anne Prendergast as Janet
Andrew Turner as Magician
Matt Helders He was 19, now 38 years old as Musician

Scummy Man Crew

Name Department
Danny Cohen as Director of Photography. He was 43 (56) years old when He died Camera
Mark Herbert as Producer. Production
Paul Fraser as Director. Directing
Paul Fraser as Writer. Writing
Diarmid Scrimshaw as Editor. Editing
Diarmid Scrimshaw as Producer. Production
Jane Hooks as Line Producer. Production
Lily Beckett as Makeup Artist. Costume & Make-Up
Scummy Man poster
Scummy Man (18 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, March 01, 2006
  • Runtime: 16 minutes
  • Budget: 95000.00