Sailor Moon the Movie 12 years old

Destiny has awoken its champion.

Bunny T., an ordinary girl, is chosen to become a superhero named Sailor Moon. She is tasked with saving the world from the evil Queen Beryl of the Dark Kingdom, who is plotting to destroy the planet Earth. The story is based on a Japanese anime and manga Sailor Moon.


Sailor Moon the Movie Cast

Name Character
Elana A. Mugdan as Officer Nikki Sanders
Eric James Eastman as Officer Tom West

Sailor Moon the Movie Crew

Name Department
Elana A. Mugdan as Director. Directing
Elana A. Mugdan as Writer. Writing
Sailor Moon the Movie (12 years)

Destiny has awoken its champion.

  • Release day: Friday, November 11, 2011
  • Runtime: 22 minutes