Sabarudin Tukang Kasut 58 years old

The story revolves around a poor but honest cobbler, Sabarudin, who is influenced by a friend that honesty does not pay. He later claims himself as a jewel merchant and gains the trust and money of the city merchants. Soon the merchants feel cheated and lodge a report to the Sultan. Summoned into the Sultan’s court, Sabarudin is requested to clarify the value of precious stone belonging to the Sultan.


Sabarudin Tukang Kasut Cast

Name Character
Ibrahim Din He was 37, 67 years old when he died
Saloma as Puteri Sabarina
P. Ramlee He was 37, 44 years old when he died as Sabarudin
Idris Hashim He was 54, 78 years old when he died as Putar Alam Shah

Sabarudin Tukang Kasut Crew

Name Department
P. Ramlee as Director. He was 37 (44) years old when He died Directing
P. Ramlee as Dialogue. He was 37 (44) years old when He died Writing
Sabarudin Tukang Kasut (58 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, May 31, 1966