Ricochet River 22 years old

High school seniors Wade (Jason James Richter) and Lorna (Kate Hudson) have spent all their lives in the small logging town of Calamus Grove, a conservative place where change comes slowly. Jesse Howl (Douglas Spain), a teenager of Native American ancestry, has just moved to Calamus Grove, and soon finds he doesn't fit in this close-knit community. Wade and Lorna go out of their way to befriend Jesse, and soon find that they're also regarded as outcasts among their peers. Eager to get away from the narrow minds which are stifling them, the three friends grab a car and take off for a summer road trip that turns out to be full of lessons in life and love.


Ricochet River Cast

Name Character
John Cullum He was 71, now 94 years old as Link Curren
Kate Hudson She was 22, now 45 years old as Lorna
Douglas Spain He was 27, now 50 years old as Jesse Howl
William Joseph Elk III He was 31, now 54 years old as Ceremony Dancer / Body Double for Doug (uncredited)
Erin Chambers She was 22, now 44 years old as Rhonda Rheinbeck
Linda Hawkins as Elaine Jukor
Jason James Richter He was 21, now 44 years old as Wade
Eddie Thiel as Young Wade
Betty Moyer as Hotel Clerk
Sheila Goold as Reno Howl
Art Burke as Pharmacist
Tyler Miller as Roy Shrenk
Richard Zavaglia as Coach Palermo

Ricochet River Crew

Name Department
Deborah Del Prete as Director. She was 100 (now 123) years old Directing
Ricochet River poster
Ricochet River (22 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, October 23, 2001
  • Runtime: 112 minutes