Little Orbit the Astrodog and the Screechers from Outer Space (Pluk, naufragé de l'espace) 45 years old

Little Orbit the Astrodog and the Screechers from Outer Space

Zillionair playboy Terry has built a spaceship so that he can see the galaxy together with his girlfriend Ferma. Along comes a spaced-out alien who needs to find back to his planet. The trio brings along Little Orbit the Astrodog to assist in the search. On their fantastical journey they battle a phantom space-bird, asparagus monsters (with Bronx accents) that want them for lunch, and a race of space-robots on a machine planet.

Little Orbit the Astrodog and the Screechers from Outer Space poster
Little Orbit the Astrodog and the Screechers from Outer Space (45 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, March 14, 1979
  • Runtime: 74 minutes