Off Shore 11 years old

Andi has come to Fuerteventura to see his estranged father Chris, who left the family years ago to live on the island and hasn't been heard from since. The local surfer clique welcomes Andi with open arms and he quickly falls for surfing instructor Tina, forming at the same time a reluctant friendship with a mysterious surfer. But his relationship to his father, whom Andi has never met before, is strained. Soon old wounds start to rip open again and a long-kept family secret threatens to turn Andi's world upside down.


Off Shore Cast

Name Character
Alexandra Sydow She was 36, now 48 years old as Tina
Marko Pustisek He was 49, now 61 years old as Chris
André Würde as Andi
Benjamin Martins He was 27, now 39 years old as Pedro

Off Shore Crew

Name Department
Viola Siegemund as Writer. Writing
Sven J. Matten as Writer. Writing
Sven J. Matten as Director. Directing
Off Shore poster
Off Shore (11 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, September 27, 2012
  • Runtime: 89 minutes