My Brother Jack 23 years old

The story of two brothers, David and Jack Meredith, who grow up in a working class family in Melbourne between the First and Second World Wars. Jack is the archetypal Aussie battler, whose greatest dream is to fight for his country. David, the more ambitious and complex of the brothers, takes a path which will lead him to success and ultimately, alienation from his homeland.


My Brother Jack Cast

Name Character
Claudia Karvan She was 28, now 52 years old as Cressida Morley
Matt Day He was 29, now 52 years old as David Meredith
Simon Lyndon He was 30, now 53 years old as Jack Meredith
Natalie Carr as Jewish woman
Raelee Hill She was 28, now 51 years old as Sheila
Felix Williamson He was 100, now 123 years old as Sam Burlington

My Brother Jack Crew

Name Department
My Brother Jack (23 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, June 03, 2001
  • Runtime: 182 minutes