Nerd Club: The Movie (מועדון החנונים : הסרט) 6 years old

Nerd Club: The Movie

The Nerd Club members were thinking that summer break would be nothing but boredom, surprisingly they got an invitation to the summer's opening party of Heidy Shmetreling, the most popular girl in school. During the party, an envelope got stolen and The Nerd Club are mistaken as the only suspects. Could they prove their innocence?


Nerd Club: The Movie Cast

Name Character
Shir Moreno She was 26, now 33 years old as תות - מלכת הכיתה של החנונים
Amit Farkas She was 28, now 35 years old as דנה - חנונית, בת זוגו של יותם

Nerd Club: The Movie Crew

Name Department
Nerd Club: The Movie poster
Nerd Club: The Movie (6 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, August 03, 2017
  • Runtime: 117 minutes