Machine Head: Live at Download 2007 17 years old

Machine Head performing live at Download Festival 2007 in support of their latest album; The Blackening. 1. Clenching the Fists of Dissent 2. Imperium 3. Take My Scars 4. Aesthetics of Hate 5. Old 6. Halo 7. Davidian


Machine Head: Live at Download 2007 Cast

Name Character
Phil Demmel He was 40, now 57 years old as Himself
Adam Duce He was 35, now 52 years old as Himself
Dave McClain He was 41, now 58 years old as Himself

Machine Head: Live at Download 2007 Crew

Name Department
Machine Head: Live at Download 2007 (17 years)

  • Release day: Friday, June 08, 2007
  • Runtime: 53 minutes