Kung Fu Killers 50 years old

Australian stuntman Grant Page travels to Hong Kong to find Bruce Lee's successor and looks at the cultural phenomenon that Asian martial arts has become in the West. He talks to actors such as Angela Mao, Stuart Whitman and George Lazenby - who were all making movies in Hong Kong at the time - and fights Carter Wong twice.


Kung Fu Killers Cast

Name Character
Stuart Whitman He was 45, now 96 years old as Himself
Chuck Norris He was 33, now 84 years old as Himself
Angela Mao She was 21, now 71 years old as Herself
Bruce Lee He was 33, 32 years old when he died as Himself
Jimmy Wang Yu He was 29, now 80 years old as Himself
George Lazenby He was 34, now 84 years old as Himself
Carter Wong He was 26, now 77 years old as Himself
Andre Morgan He was 26, now 24 years old as Himself
Grant Page He was 35, now 85 years old as Himself

Kung Fu Killers Crew

Name Department
Brian Trenchard-Smith as Director. He was 28 (now 78) years old Directing
Kung Fu Killers poster
Kung Fu Killers (50 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, January 01, 1974
  • Runtime: 72 minutes