Jean Rollin: The Stray Dreamer (Jean Rollin, le rêveur égaré) 12 years old

Who is Jean Rollin? A man who has spent his childhood in the middle of some of the greatest intellectuals of the twentieth century. An artist who has worked with Maguerite Duras for his first film. A director's career singular and unique in French cinema, with films overtly fantastic, surreal, poetic - disconcerting. A filmmaker has always murdered by the critics but starting, finally, to enjoy some recognition in France, while many fans worship him already in Europe and the United States. Jean Rollin signs a marginal and unknown work marked by death and nostalgia, and whose main obsession is the time, that of the wandering and dreams. Jean Rollin died in December 2010 at the age of 72. This documentary is the portrait of a real artist, the last surrealist, a poet who created his very own dreamworld. A tribute for a unique director, with testimonials from his closest collaborators.


Jean Rollin: The Stray Dreamer Cast

Name Character
Ovidie She was 31, now 43 years old as Herself
Jean-Pierre Bouyxou He was 65, now 78 years old as Himself
Jean Rollin He was 72, 72 years old when he died as Himself
Natalie Perrey She was 82, 83 years old when she died as Herself
Jean-Loup Philippe He was 75, now 88 years old as Himself

Jean Rollin: The Stray Dreamer Crew

Name Department
Jean Rollin: The Stray Dreamer poster
Jean Rollin: The Stray Dreamer (12 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, September 20, 2011
  • Runtime: 78 minutes