I Am Gentrification. Confessions of a Scoundrel (Die Gentrifizierung bin ich: Beichte eines Finsterlings) 5 years old

Is the city of Zurich suffering from ‘density stress’? What is it like to live in mega cities such as São Paulo, Mexico City and Tiflis? Filmmaker Thomas Haemmerli broaches the topics of city development, architecture, density, housing market, xenophobia and gentrification from an autobiographical perspective. The path of his life has led him from a childhood in the villa district of Zürichberg, through his teenage years as squatter to flat shares, yuppie apartments and finally second homes in various cities. Only recently having become a dad, he plans to further enhance Zurich’s price appreciation by purchasing a huge, extended city apartment… This multifaceted essay not only humorously questions the filmmaker’s decisions, but also those of the right-wing conservatives, who are afraid of losing their space to immigrants, and the political left, who fail to embrace modern-age architecture.


I Am Gentrification. Confessions of a Scoundrel Cast

Name Character
Thomas Haemmerli He was 53, now 60 years old as Himself

I Am Gentrification. Confessions of a Scoundrel Crew

Name Department
Mirjam von Arx as Producer. She was 51 (now 58) years old Production
Thomas Haemmerli as Director. He was 53 (now 60) years old Directing
Thomas Haemmerli as Writer. He was 53 (now 60) years old Writing
I Am Gentrification. Confessions of a Scoundrel poster
I Am Gentrification. Confessions of a Scoundrel (5 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, October 18, 2018
  • Runtime: 98 minutes