How We Got Into Trouble with the Army (Come inguaiammo l'esercito) 58 years old

How We Got Into Trouble with the Army

A sergeant finds out that a GI hides a child in the military barracks. The boy is the son of another soldier who sings in a night club but due to series of misunderstandings the sergeant believes he is his own son, born from a former love story.


How We Got Into Trouble with the Army Cast

Name Character
Gina Rovere She was 30, now 89 years old as Mariuccia
Franco Franchi He was 36, 64 years old when he died as soldato Piscitello
Ciccio Ingrassia He was 42, 80 years old when he died as sergente Camilloni
Andrea Scotti He was 33, now 92 years old as Capitano
Umberto D'Orsi He was 36, 47 years old when he died as Hamlet
Luigi Pavese He was 68, 73 years old when he died as gen. MacKee
Alicia Brandet as Catherine

How We Got Into Trouble with the Army Crew

Name Department
Lucio Fulci as Director. He was 38 (68) years old when He died Directing
How We Got Into Trouble with the Army poster
How We Got Into Trouble with the Army (58 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, August 21, 1965
  • Runtime: 89 minutes