Get Lucky 15 years old

Field Productions is proud to present Get Lucky. A Norwegian ski movie that includes every aspect in modern extreme skiing: Park/BC/Big mountain and Urban. We have gathered many of the best athletes on the planet to give you the most exciting and varied ski movie possible. Filmed in HD with heli, cranes, dollys, cable and follow cams. "Get Lucky" and the behind the scenes documentary will give you a detailed insight in our whole season, describing how the luck treated us from time to time.


Get Lucky Cast

Name Character
Tom Wallisch He was 20, now 36 years old as Tom Wallisch
PK Hunder

Get Lucky Crew

Name Department
Filip Christensen as Director. Directing
Get Lucky poster
Get Lucky (15 years)

  • Release day: Monday, September 01, 2008
  • Runtime: 45 minutes