Fountain 6 years old

It has been exactly 100 years since Marcel Duchamp exhibited his famous work Fountain, which basically was a mere urinal. Its replicas have been implicated in a number of affairs when people visiting exhibitions in museums around the globe were trying to give the work its original purpose by force. At the 100th anniversary the question poses itself: What if somebody returned it to the toilet, is it then still a work of art?


Fountain Cast

Name Character
Bojan Emeršič He was 54, now 61 years old as Zlatko

Fountain Crew

Name Department
Goran Vojnović as Director. He was 37 (now 44) years old Directing
Goran Vojnović as Writer. He was 37 (now 44) years old Writing
Fountain poster
Fountain (6 years)

  • Release day: Monday, November 20, 2017
  • Runtime: 15 minutes