Fandango 75 years old

In the Basque Country, two friends, José and François, live a cheerful life. The two sly foxes use their wit to boost the business of an innkeeper they have a connection with. José is in love with Angélica, the innkeeper"s daughter, while François courts petite Annette. José also happens to have a beautiful voice and one day a night club manager hears him and wants to hire him. He will have to choose between Angelica, the inn, his roots... and a singing career in Paris.


Fandango Cast

Name Character
Raymond Bussières He was 41, 74 years old when he died as Francois
Robert Dalban He was 45, 83 years old when he died as The inspector
Annette Poivre She was 31, 70 years old when she died
Ludmilla Tchérina She was 24, 79 years old when she died as Angélica
Lucien Callamand He was 60, 80 years old when he died
Luis Mariano He was 34, 55 years old when he died as José

Fandango Crew

Name Department
Fandango poster
Fandango (75 years)

  • Release day: Friday, February 18, 1949
  • Runtime: 90 minutes