El Muro 11 years old

Year 2015. John O'Connell arrives in Chile to film a documentary about the death of six anonymous heroes that occurred in 2010 during the "EL MURO" event. John hires three actors to recreate the characters and all there is to see when clicking on "crazy geography".


El Muro Cast

Name Character
José Manuel Sandoval He was 27, now 39 years old as Marco Urrutia

El Muro Crew

Name Department
Diego Noguera as Original Music Composer. Sound
José Manuel Sandoval as Art Department Assistant. He was 27 (now 39) years old Art
Elisa Eliash as Director of Photography. Camera
El Muro poster
El Muro (11 years)

  • Release day: Monday, October 22, 2012
  • Runtime: 72 minutes
  • Budget: 5000.00