Dialtone 15 years old

Who would you call?

A mysterious phone. A missing lawyer. An abandoned warehouse. They all help tell a story about Greg Pleasant, a Seattle lawyer who's held back from leading the dynamic life Christ wants him to live because he fears man's opinion of him more than God's. After Greg loses the control he believes he has over his life, an odd client tells him about an old phone that calls back into the past. When faced with the ultimate wake up call, how will he answer? How will you?


Dialtone Cast

Name Character
Daniel Bittner as Mayor's Assistant
Randy Gross as Seattle Mayor
John Douglass He was 266, 69 years old when he died as Mr. Townsend
Rita Fletcher as Kathryn

Dialtone Crew

Name Department
Brian Lohr as Director. Directing
Brian Lohr as Writer. Writing
Dialtone (15 years)

Who would you call?

  • Release day: Monday, January 12, 2009
  • Runtime: 45 minutes