Deftones: Live at Area4 14 years old

Deftones are an American alternative metal band from Sacramento, California, founded in 1988. The band consists of Chino Moreno (lead vocals and guitar), Stephen Carpenter (guitar), Chi Cheng (bass), Frank Delgado (keyboards and turntables), and Abe Cunningham (drums and percussion). Since 2009, Sergio Vega has been standing in on bass while Cheng recovers from a car accident. They have released six albums to date, with three Platinum (Adrenaline, White Pony, Around the Fur) and one Gold certification (for the self-titled album).


Deftones: Live at Area4 Cast

Name Character
Chino Moreno He was 36, now 51 years old as singer

Deftones: Live at Area4 Crew

Name Department
Deftones: Live at Area4 (14 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, November 19, 2009
  • Runtime: 66 minutes