Danger God 4 years old

The Lives and Loves of a Hollywood Stuntman

Professional stuntman Gary Kent has made a hard-earned name for himself in over 50 years of falling, burning, jumping, fighting and breaking himself for some of the most cherished independent and B-movies of the 20th Century. This is his story, from the anything goes days of the drive-in era, including his run in with Charles Manson and his infamous family, to his personal battles and triumphs with health, alcoholism, and love. Features interviews with Monte Hellman, Duane Eddy, Richard Rush, Marc Singer and more.


Danger God Cast

Name Character
Marc Singer He was 71, now 76 years old
Monte Hellman He was 87, now 91 years old
Duane Eddy He was 81, now 86 years old
Richard Rush He was 238, 78 years old when he died
Gary Kent He was 86, now 91 years old

Danger God Crew

Name Department
Drew Thomas as Associate Producer. Production
Kirk Hunter as Editor. He was 55 (now 60) years old Editing
Danger God poster
Danger God (4 years)

The Lives and Loves of a Hollywood Stuntman

  • Release day: Tuesday, August 06, 2019
  • Runtime: 96 minutes