Choke 25 years old

Welcome to the world of no-holds-barred freestyle fighting...the fastest growing "sport" in the United States, Brazil, and Japan. CHOKE follows undisputed World Freestyle Fighting Champion Rickson Gracie as he prepares to defend his title in a one-night, single elimination tournament where the winner will fight 3 separate fights over five hours. The World Cup finals of hand-to-hand combat.


Choke Cast

Name Character
Rickson Gracie He was 40, now 65 years old as Himself
Koichiro Kimura He was 29, now 54 years old as Himself
Hélio Gracie He was 85, 95 years old when he died as Himself
Todd Hayes as Himself

Choke Crew

Name Department
Robert Raphael Goodman as Director. Directing
Larry Golin as Writer. Writing
Choke poster
Choke (25 years)

  • Release day: Monday, February 01, 1999
  • Runtime: 98 minutes