Cathouse 21 years old

Get ready for an up-close look at the world's oldest profession as HBO's America Undercover series takes you behind the scenes at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch -- Nevada's foremost modern brothel. All of your fantasies can come true at the Bunny Ranch, and if you're low on cash, they also accept major credit cards. So take a trip into the desert to a place where all of your deepest desires can become reality.


Cathouse Cast

Name Character
Dennis Hof He was 56, 72 years old when he died as Himself
Deanna as Herself
Madame Suzette as Herself
Karla as Herself
Airforce Amy as Herself
Kent Wallace as Himself

Cathouse Crew

Name Department
Patti Kaplan as Director. Directing
Cathouse (21 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, December 07, 2002
  • Runtime: 60 minutes