Caracas Onto Death (Caracas amor a muerte) 24 years old

Everyone thinks they know what is best for Aixa. A pregnant teenager who is hesitant about giving birth to a baby unexpectedly. Carmen, her young grandmother and head of numerous matriarchy where he lives, wants to prevent her to repeat the history of the women in his house: being a mother at age 15. Ramon, a young criminal and father of the child, Aixa threat: "If you take off the dude, I'll kill you." Amazed at the thought of a child, seems to have a slightest hint of concern to his brutal life.


Caracas Onto Death Cast

Name Character
Luis Fernández He was 40, now 64 years old as Dr. Sergio
Luke Grande as Carmelito

Caracas Onto Death Crew

Name Department
Gustavo Balza as Director. He was 35 (now 59) years old Directing
Caracas Onto Death (24 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, January 01, 2000
  • Runtime: 103 minutes