Boys Will Be Boys, Boys Will Be Men (ยุวชนทหาร เปิดเทอมไปรบ) 24 years old

Boys Will Be Boys, Boys Will Be Men

In May of 1941, a group of young army volunteers is recruited in Chumpon south of Bangkok. Many high-school students apply to join the group. When the Japanese army lands at Chumpon in December, they bravely fight against the army. The film is based on the true story of how young army volunteers fought to defend their country from the Japanese Army. A misunderstanding between the two nations caused the unnecessary war to break out. This is an outstanding film depicting patriotism through innocent hearts of boys.


Boys Will Be Boys, Boys Will Be Men Cast

Name Character
Kajonsak Ratananisai
Taya Rogers She was 14, now 38 years old

Boys Will Be Boys, Boys Will Be Men Crew

Name Department
Euthana Mukdasanit as Director. He was 47 (now 72) years old Directing
Euthana Mukdasanit as Writer. He was 47 (now 72) years old Writing
Boys Will Be Boys, Boys Will Be Men poster
Boys Will Be Boys, Boys Will Be Men (24 years)

  • Release day: Friday, April 28, 2000
  • Runtime: 121 minutes