Atlanta Vampire Movie 5 years old

We Suck At This

Carmilla inadvertently infects Ron, Fang, and Corey with her vampirism. Unaware of their condition, these three misfit vampires' hysterical misadventures illuminate the sudden changes in their nature. While attending a support group recommended by Dr. Acula for what is thought to be a medical condition, the three connect back with Carmilla and learn the truth of their new existence. Cast out by Martin and the old vampires, pursued by the determined Eddie Van Helsing, Ron and Carmilla seek to maintain some humanity and lead their menage through the challenges of vampire life in the modern world.


Atlanta Vampire Movie Cast

Name Character
Kimberly D. Johnson as Akasha / Vampire Bride

Atlanta Vampire Movie Crew

Name Department
Atlanta Vampire Movie poster
Atlanta Vampire Movie (5 years)

We Suck At This

  • Release day: Wednesday, October 31, 2018
  • Runtime: 110 minutes
  • Budget: 10000.00