American Romance 7 years old

A series of horrifying murders, the victims, always couples, staged in bizarre collage dioramas with cardboard cutouts and scribbled, childlike messages about the corrupting power of love. The killer's on the loose, and the FBI is looking for a truck driver. Emery Reed is a long haul trucker disillusioned with the American Dream after an accident left his wife paralyzed and took the life of their son. Newlyweds Jeff and Krissy are having the time of their lives until their car breaks down on a rural road in the middle of nowhere. When the love birds collide with the forlorn truck driver, a wild ride leaves everyone questioning the true value of love and American Romance.


American Romance Cast

Name Character
Nolan Gerard Funk He was 30, now 37 years old as Jeff Madison
Mark Boone Junior He was 61, now 69 years old as Hank
John Savage He was 67, now 74 years old as Emery Reed
Daveigh Chase She was 26, now 34 years old as Krissy Madison
James Duval He was 44, now 51 years old as Stewart Miles
Barlow Jacobs as Ricky Stern
Rebecca Cook as Tonya
Meiling Melançon She was 36, now 44 years old as Denice Torres
Diane Farr She was 47, now 54 years old as Brenda Reed
Elana Krausz She was 56, now 64 years old as Faye Williams
Kent Kimball as Goatman
Blanca Blanco She was 35, now 43 years old as Miranda

American Romance Crew

Name Department
Meiling Melançon as Writer. She was 36 (now 44) years old Writing
Wes Laurie as Writer. Writing
Zackary Adler as Director. Directing
American Romance poster
American Romance (7 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, October 23, 2016
  • Runtime: 86 minutes