A Cranberry Christmas 15 years old

Three days before Christmas and grumpy old Cyrus Grape forbids children to play and skate on the ice over the local cranberry bog near his home. Young Maggie, along with her grandmother and their friend Mr. Whiskers, work together to save Christmas Day for the children by reclaiming their favorite ice skating spot and discovering the land's rightful owner. When Mr. Whiskers learns his sister is coming to visit, it's a scramble to get his house in order and Maggie and her grandmother pitch in to help clean the old house. While working, they uncover a hidden box that holds a surprise for everyone... Maggie and her grandmother make delicious cookies to serve at their Christmas feast.


A Cranberry Christmas Cast

Name Character
Jeff Bennett He was 46, now 61 years old as Cyrus Grape
Barry Manilow He was 65, now 81 years old as Narrator
Miriam Flynn She was 57, now 73 years old as Granny Sister Whiskers
Rob Paulsen He was 52, now 68 years old as Mr. Whiskers

A Cranberry Christmas Crew

Name Department
A Cranberry Christmas poster
A Cranberry Christmas (15 years)

  • Release day: Monday, December 08, 2008
  • Runtime: 22 minutes