3 Doors of Horrors (鬼節: 三重門) 10 years old

3 horror shorts from Malaysia I Miss You Two: School life is one of the most interesting moments in a lifetime. Some people, some things, will forever be carved in one’s memory. Floating Sun: The novelist, Fiona Lim, is writing a true story of a teenage girl who drowned in a river many years ago. Horror Mission: A local film crew is shooting a horror film in the suburb when the actress playing the ghost is suddenly possessed by a spirit.


3 Doors of Horrors Cast

Name Character
Azman Hassan as Security Guard

3 Doors of Horrors Crew

Name Department
Edmund Yeo as Director. He was 29 (now 40) years old Directing
3 Doors of Horrors (10 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, August 17, 2013
  • Runtime: 45 minutes