Collar of the Order of Isabella the Catholic Winners

People with Collar of the Order of Isabella the Catholic


Name Title
Nelson Mandela South African politician and anti-apartheid fighter President of South Africa (1994–1999)
Nguema Mbasogo Teodoro Obiang
Nicanor Duarte President of Paraguay
Niceto Alcalá-Zamora Spanish lawyer and politician
Nursultan Nazarbayev President of Kazakhstan
Ollanta Humala Politician
Óscar Berger Guatemalan President
Patricio Aylwin President of Chile
Paul of Greece King of Greece
Qaboos bin Said al Said Sultan of Oman
René Schick President of Nicaragua
Roberto María Ortiz Argentine politician
Rodrigo Borja Cevallos President of Ecuador
Roman Herzog President of Germany from 1994 to 1999
Rudolf Kirchschläger Austrian politician diplomat and judge
Rudolf Schuster President of Slovakia
Sebastián Piñera President of Chile
Suharto President of Indonesia
Thomas Klestil Austrian politician President of Austria
Traian Băsescu President of Romania
Urho Kekkonen Finnish politician Prime Minister and President
Václav Havel (canoeist) Canoe racer
Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga 6th President of Latvia
Valdas Adamkus President of Lithuania (26 February 1998 to 25 February 2003; 12 July 2004 to date)
Valdis Zatlers President of Latvia
Valéry Giscard D'Estaing
Víctor Paz Estenssoro President of Bolivia
Vinicio Cerezo Guatemalan President
Virgilio Barco Vargas President of Colombia
Walter Scheel German politician
Wojciech Jaruzelski President of Poland
هيثم بن طارق ال سعيد

Collar of the Order of Isabella the Catholic (0 years)

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